Saturday, August 17, 2019


I have to write stuff down.  I don’t really think this is a function of age, it is a function of ambition.  I have a lot of stuff to get done, I accomplish a lot of stuff and sometimes, some of it falls off the list.  I work with college kids all the time and believe me, most of them need to write stuff down.  I blame my forgetfulness on my very full mind.  We all juggle a lot of different stuff.  Up in the air at all times are family member’s schedules, family finances, short and long term work goals, etc.  In addition to that are all the things these various constituencies pay me the big bucks for, like knowing where I put last year’s taxes, what the kids are doing this weekend.  I don’t know if my mind used to be sharper, but I do know that it was less cluttered.


  1. Erin!
    I have written lists for decades... I agree, it's a function of ambition. Drives me nuts when people say "oh I forgot". Well write it down, have a to do list going and you wont.
    Love and miss you much

  2. Thanks for being a faithful reader!
